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General Information & Questions
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Select this line to write an email to ask your question or seek information.

If you have a query about image content, availability or purchase please give as much information as possible such as the planned use, number of copies, size, location, etc.

Hopefully you'll receive a reply within a few hours (depending on where you are on the planet) but it may take longer on occasions.

Technical and legal queries:

There are no problems with answering questions on the legal or technical aspects of our work, especially in respect of safety.

While many of the finer points of our system and equipment are by their very nature confidential it's usually possible to answer general queries without too much difficulty.

This website does not use cookies or any other form of intrusive visitor tracking. Your privacy is respected.

Select this line to send an email with any questions.

Copyright Licence Purchases:

Copyright licences to use the images shown on this website are available at advantageous prices which are often as low as half the price major agencies.

While clients buying for website use generally require smaller images most are available up to a size of 5,000 pixels width and usually very much larger.

Select this line to visit the price guides page.


197 aerial photography has no trade or other links to any of the businesses or locations shown on this website. An appearance or illustration on this website should not be taken as an endorsement.

There are deliberately no links other websites.

Please note:

The display of images on this website constitutes an invitation to treat.

Any use of images or text from this website in any form of online media, in any form of print or by broadcast or otherwise requires the purchase of a copyright licence before any use or publication.

197 aerial photography will be pleased to offer you a quote to licence or purchase any images from this website.