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The ferris wheel at the south beach
Troon, South Ayrshire

Ferris wheel at the south beach, Troon, South Ayrshire
The ferris wheel (officially an observation wheel?) at the south beach in Troon.

Looking north on Easter Monday. That's Arran on the horizon.

Ferris wheel at the south beach, Troon, South Ayrshire
On the right you can see Troon Library complete with spring daffodils.

Ferris wheel at the south beach, Troon, South Ayrshire
From over the beach, approaching high tide.

Ferris wheel at the south beach, Troon, South Ayrshire
From over the beach, approaching high tide.

Ferris wheel at the south beach, Troon, South Ayrshire
From over the beach, approaching high tide.

Ferris wheel at the south beach, Troon, South Ayrshire
Closer in and more personal.

Ferris wheel at the south beach, Troon, South Ayrshire
Finally, looking south-east from a little higher.