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The “Hebridean Isles” and ferry terminal
Troon, South Ayrshire

Hebridean Isles, Troon Ferry Terminal, South Ayrshire
The Cal-Mac “Hebridean Isles” car ferry under repair at Troon.

This wide view shows from the fish market and RNLI station along to the ferry ramp and harbour entrance on the right. Arran is hiding in the haze to the west.

Hebridean Isles, Troon Ferry Terminal, South Ayrshire
From a different angle and closer in.

Troon Ferry Terminal, South Ayrshire
The now unused ferry terminal next to the marina by Troon harbour. On the left is the marina with the harbour in the distance.

Troon Ferry Terminal, South Ayrshire
A close-up view of the pier.

The ferry shown above is now moored at the blue gantry to the right.