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Struthers Primary School
Troon, South Ayrshire

Troon Struthers Primary School, South Ayrshire
Showing the open space behind, soon to be the location of a new children's nursery/early years centre.

Troon Struthers Primary School, South Ayrshire
The new building will be in the space at the top of these photos, to the right, with road access towards the new estate near the far left corner. An all-weather games area is also to be included.

Troon Struthers Primary School, South Ayrshire
The entrance area from high up and taken with a long lens.

Troon Struthers Primary School, South Ayrshire
1: The new building will be on the left;
2: the games area nearer the school;
3: parking in the centre;
4: and the access road in the bottom right;
5: the present play area isn't included.