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Castle Toward
Cowal Peninsula, Argyll and Bute

Toward Castle, Toward, south of Dunoon, Cowal Peninsula, Argyll and Bute
Castle Toward in close-up before restoration began. Originally built from the 1820s by the Lamont family this building has been through a number of changes over the years.

In passing, “Tow” as in “Now”. Not toe as in towards. Thanks.

Toward Castle, Toward, south of Dunoon, Cowal Peninsula, Argyll and Bute
Castle Toward has now been bought as probably a private house and is under long-term renovation.

Toward Castle, Toward, south of Dunoon, Cowal Peninsula, Argyll and Bute
From further back and showing Buachailean to the north as the backdrop.

Toward Castle, Toward, south of Dunoon, Cowal Peninsula, Argyll and Bute
Mention has been made of using the castle for various business enterprises.