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The “Alfred” and ferry terminal
Troon, South Ayrshire

Arran ferry Alfred, Troon Ferry Terminal, South Ayrshire
The Pentland Ferries' catamaran “Alfred” arriving at Troon.

This ship is replacing the usual service from Ardrossan to Arran (Brodick) during the summer months while the usual terminal at Ardrossan is being repaired.

When the new ferries are finally delivered - your guess is as good as anyone's - hopefully the ferries will permanently return to Ardrossan.

Arran ferry Alfred, Troon Ferry Terminal, South Ayrshire
In these photos you can see from in the foreground the waves hitting the beach, the ferry terminal and harbour and in the distance the Firth of Clyde and the Island of Arran, with the town of Whiting Bay and the outer lighthouse on Holy Isle visible through the haze about 17 miles (27km) away.

Arran ferry Alfred, Troon Ferry Terminal, South Ayrshire
The ship rotates clockwise on its axis to reverse into the ramp.

Arran ferry Alfred, Troon Ferry Terminal, South Ayrshire
Safely moored.

Arran ferry Alfred, Troon Ferry Terminal, South Ayrshire
On the left, Lady Isle and on the horizon the island of Pladda to the south of Arran.