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Turnberry Hotel and golf course
South Ayrshire

Turnberry Hotel & golf course, south of Maidens, South Ayrshire
Face-on from over by the beach. The extension on the left is comparatively recent.

Turnberry Hotel & golf course, south of Maidens, South Ayrshire
A wider view to show the spa and leisure centre on the right (south of the main hotel).

Turnberry Hotel & golf course, south of Maidens, South Ayrshire
Cropped to show the detail in the above photographs.

Turnberry Hotel & golf course, south of Maidens, South Ayrshire
A panorama showing all the way from the housing on the left (north) to the spa and Turnberry village to the right (south).

Turnberry Hotel & golf course, south of Maidens, South Ayrshire
The Dormy House (restaurant, café and tourist shop) and village, all completed in the same building style.

Turnberry Hotel & golf course, south of Maidens, South Ayrshire
Pulling back to show the view up the 18th fairway. The flagpole no longer flies a giant Saltire, but it's visible in the bottom photo on this page taken a year or so back.

Turnberry Hotel & golf course, south of Maidens, South Ayrshire
From a little further north the driving range now comes into view.

All of these photographs were taken looking just south of east.

Turnberry Hotel & golf course, south of Maidens, South Ayrshire
This is the view from behind the hotel looking down and westwards onto the main entrance, round the back of the more common aspect.