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Killantringan Lighthouse and Bay
Mull of Galloway, Dumfries and Galloway

Killantgringan Lighthouse, Mull of Galloway, south-west Scotland
Killantringan lighthouse is on the western shore of the Mull of Galloway less than two miles north of Portpatrick on the Southern Upland Way.

In this view, looking south-west, you can easily see the Mountains of Mourne in County Antrim and the highest mountain, Slieve Donard, is clearly visible.

Views of nearby Portpatrick can be seen here: Portpatrick harbour

Killantgringan Bay and Knock Bay, Mull of Galloway, south-west Scotland
Looking north from the same location as the above image you see Killantringan Bay and in the middle distance Knock Bay with the House of Knock on the hillside.

There's parking available with access to the beach and the road below the camera is part of the Southern Upland Way.