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Portencross Castle
Farland Head, North Ayrshire - Updated

Portencross Castle, Farland Head, North Ayrshire
A few different angles on Portencross Castle taken in early August.

Portencross Castle, Farland Head, North Ayrshire
The work to restore the castle is now completed and visitors can visit and enter for free.

There's always a volunteer on hand to give any help or advice needed.

Portencross Castle, Farland Head, North Ayrshire
There are no steps into the ground floor of the castle but wheelchair users (and others) might find the path a little difficult to navigate.

Portencross Castle, Farland Head, North Ayrshire
From ground level, this is the view approaching the castle from the car park.

The island across the channel is Lesser Cumbrae and in the lower photo to the north (right) on Cumbrae proper you can see the town of Millport.

Portencross Castle, Farland Head, North Ayrshire
A wider view.