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Dobbie's Garden World

Dobbie's Garden Centre, Holmston Toll, Ayr, South Ayrshire
Looking north from one hundred and eighty feet. Gardening, landscaping, pet and aquarium supplies, homewares, food outlets and of course the obligatory café.

Dobbie's Garden Centre, Holmston Toll, Ayr, South Ayrshire
The A77 Ayr by-pass runs across the top of the photograph.

Dobbie's Garden Centre, Holmston Toll, Ayr, South Ayrshire
A cropped section from one of the above photos.

Dobbie's Garden Centre, Holmston Toll, Ayr, South Ayrshire
This is located on the A70 from Ayr to Cumnock just east of the Ayr by-pass.