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The Remedy Café next to Ayr India
on the seafront in Ayr

The Remedy Cafe and Ayr India, on the seafront in Ayr, South Ayrshire
The Remedy Café on the ground floor with Ayr India above, on the seafront in Ayr.

There's plenty of free parking to go with both the fine Indian food upstairs and ice creams, snacks and coffees at ground level, with easy access on foot.

These are two spearate businesses both catering in their own way to the appetites of locals and tourists.

The Remedy Cafe and Ayr India, on the seafront in Ayr, South Ayrshire
From further to the left (north).

The café is on the ground floor with the restaurant above.

The Remedy Cafe and Ayr India, on the seafront in Ayr, South Ayrshire
From further to the right (south).

There's plenty of seating and handy toilets behind as well as easy access to a food shop and transport links.