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Paddle Steamer Waverley
at Ayr Harbour

Paddle Steamer Waverley arriving and berthing at Ayr Harbour, South Ayrshire
The Waverley is the last sea-going paddle steamer left in the world and spends her summers cruising the Clyde.

Other images of the Waverley can be seen at Fairlie, Largs and Troon by selecting the F, L and T indexes above and below.

Paddle Steamer Waverley arriving and berthing at Ayr Harbour, South Ayrshire
Four Waverleys are better than one. They can do a lot more damage when ramming piers.

Paddle Steamer Waverley arriving and berthing at Ayr Harbour, South Ayrshire
Slowing down as she hugs the north bank of the river.

Paddle Steamer Waverley arriving and berthing at Ayr Harbour, South Ayrshire
Having reversed upstream and above the pier. Or, having gone astern upstream etc.

Paddle Steamer Waverley arriving and berthing at Ayr Harbour, South Ayrshire
Berthing to unload and load passengers. Embark? Disembark?