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Paddle Steamer Waverley
at Fairlie Quay

Paddle Steamer Waverley at Fairlie Quay, North Ayrshire
During the period when Largs pier was being re-built this was the temporary departure point for the Waverley, passengers being transferred from Largs station by coach.

Other images of the Waverley can be seen at Ayr, Largs and Troon by selecting the A, L and T indexes above and below.

Paddle Steamer Waverley at Fairlie Quay, North Ayrshire
Just arriving at Fairlie Pier. Not a regular calling point for the Waverley.

Paddle Steamer Waverley at Fairlie Quay, North Ayrshire
Leaving the pier by going astern. Forwards the water is too shallow.

Paddle Steamer Waverley at Fairlie Quay, North Ayrshire
Having turned backwards in a semi-circle heading off to the north.