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Paddle Steamer Waverley
visiting Largs

Paddle Steamer Waverley Arriving at Largs, North Ayrshire
Coming down from the north (Greenock) close in to the shore near Aubery Crescent just north of Largs esplanade.

Behind are, in order of distance, Cumbrae, Bute (on the left and right) and further away the north end of Arran (left) and Kintyre (right).

Paddle Steamer Waverley Arriving at Largs, North Ayrshire
Approaching Largs pier, taken looking south into the sun.

Other images of the Waverley can be seen at Ayr, Fairlie, and Troon by selecting the A, F and T indexes above and below.

Paddle Steamer Waverley Leaving Largs, North Ayrshire
At her berth and all set to leave for the Kyles of Bute.

The larger Cumbrae ferry (Loch Shira) is now at the pier as well.

Paddle Steamer Waverley Leaving Largs, North Ayrshire
Steaming away north again, this time a bit closer to the shore of Greater Cumbrae.