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Loch Fyne Oyster Bar
Argyll and Bute

Loch Fyne Oyster Bar, Cairndow, Argyll and Bute
This is one of the best places for seafood anywhere in Scotland and their smoked salmon is an absolute delight.

Loch Fyne Oyster Bar, Cairndow, Argyll and Bute
On the shore, the Loch Fyne Oyster Bar is about a 10 or 12 minutes drive north of Inveraray.

Loch Fyne Oyster Bar, Cairndow, Argyll and Bute
From a little further back showing the other businesses in the same area.

Loch Fyne Oyster Bar, Cairndow, Argyll and Bute
The Tree Shop, Cairndow, on the A83 specialise in trees and conifers (had you guessed?) and in particular rhododendrons.