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The new seawall
Largs, North Ayrshire

Largs new seawall, North Ayrshire
Looking north towards the new seawall at the north end of Largs esplanade with the RNLI station and café in the foreground.

You can clearly see that there is a lot more space with the new layout. There is on-going discussion about utilising the grass space nearby to create more parking spaces.

Largs new seawall, North Ayrshire
A section alongside Aubury Crescent. Already, after only a few weeks, the new wall is taking on a nice green shade and starting to blend in.

The pinkish colour is odd but as you can see from the grey of the nearby tarmac and the white cars it's correctly depicted. It matches the colour of some of the sand areas on the beach nearby.

Largs new seawall, North Ayrshire
The ramp system to enable pram and wheelchair access to the beach. The pebble beach is maybe not an ideal surface for wheels.

Oddly, there are no disabled parking spaces near the ramp or even close by.