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Doonfoot Bridge / River Doon
South Ayrshire

Doonfoot Bridge, Doonfoot, South Ayrshire
There's plenty of wildlife in the area and the Doon is a salmon river.

Doonfoot Bridge, Doonfoot, South Ayrshire
A panorama of the whole area from off-shore.

Doonfoot Bridge, Doonfoot, South Ayrshire
Looking upstream with some kids in a boat paddling downstream.

Doonfoot Bridge, Doonfoot, South Ayrshire
This is known as the Millennium Bridge and is part of the Ayrshire Coastal Path and the National Cycle Networks Route 7.

Doonfoot Bridge, Doonfoot, South Ayrshire
The Ayrshire Coastal Path runs south past Greenan Castle, to the right.

Doonfoot Bridge, Doonfoot, South Ayrshire
The Ayrshire Coastal Path runs north from here through Ayr.