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Dundonald Castle
South Ayrshire

Royal Dundonald Castle, Dundonald, South Ayrshire
A 12th century tower house built by Robert II, King of Scotland.

Dundonald Castle, Dundonald, South Ayrshire
Over the years the castle was added to and altered but it was never really designed as a particularly defensive location, more a comfortable Royal residence.

Dundonald Castle, Dundonald, South Ayrshire
The building is occasionally used as a wedding venue.

Dundonald Castle, Dundonald, South Ayrshire
An angle that shows the quarry on the flank of Dundonald Hill.

Dundonald Castle, Dundonald, South Ayrshire
At the base of the castle hill is an information centre where castle entry is available for the payment of a small fee.

Dundonald Castle, Dundonald, South Ayrshire
The castle is run and maintained by volunteers and is open to the public.