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Greenock / Port Glasgow
Inchgreen Dry Dock

Inchgreen Dry Dock, Port Glasgow
A wide view showing the whole structure with Greenock Great Dock in the background.

There is much local interest in the dock with plans to eventually re-open it and return it to its original purpose.

Inchgreen Dry Dock, Port Glasgow
Inchgreen dry dock in Greenock.

This is the inland end of the dock with Bogston station in the background.

Although officially in Greenock the dock is right on the border with Port Glasgow.

Inchgreen Dry Dock, Port Glasgow
The seaward (opening) end of the dock. In the background is the Glen Sannox, the ferry built at Ferguson's yard a little bit upstream and moored here while being fitted out.

Finished in 1964 the dock was built by The Firth of Clyde Dry Dock Company Ltd. In its time one of the largest dry docks in the world.

To make sure it was big enough, they built it to fit the liner, Queen Mary.