Gailes Motel and Golf Centre
Irvine, North Ayrshire

The motel south of Irvine run by Simpsinns. These taken looking north in early September.

A wider view to show the golf centre and driving range behind the motel to the right. That's
Glasgow Gailes Golf Club behind on the left.
The blue awning is covering the outdoor seating area, very popular for a refreshing al fresco cocktail of an evening.
The blue awning is covering the outdoor seating area, very popular for a refreshing al fresco cocktail of an evening.

The golf centre and driving range alone.
Irvine centre and the Ardeer peninsula are in the distance.
Irvine centre and the Ardeer peninsula are in the distance.

The day before these photo were taken Google Street View were in the area circling
round the car park. Some day soon they'll update their site - the blue awning will be the clue.

Picked out of one of the above photos is the gazebo, complete with a moat and nearby fountain. Popular for weddings.