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Foulertoun Arches or bailey bridge
Irvine, North Ayrshire

Foulertoun Arches / Bailey Bridge, Irvine, North Ayrshire
The name Foulertoun Arches was chosen by a class of primary schoolchildren and is taking some time to be adopted by the locals who still refer to it by the old name after ten years and probably will do for a long time to come.

Foulertoun Arches / Bailey Bridge, Irvine, North Ayrshire
From this angle you can see the town centre of Irvine and all the way to the north Ayrshire hills and the Ardrossan wind farm. The bridge carries the A71 over the River Irvine.

Foulertoun Arches / Bailey Bridge, Irvine, North Ayrshire
Some maps and GPS navigation kit still shows this as a dual carriageway. Very odd.