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Zyair circus
Irvine, North Ayrshire

Zyair Circus - Carrick Drive (Towns Moor), Irvine, North Ayrshire
On Irvine Towns Moor right next to Carrick Drive in September 2024.

Previous photos of this circus were when they were based in the Beach Park.

Zyair Circus - Carrick Drive (Towns Moor), Irvine, North Ayrshire
The entrance is through the three canopies, one single, one double, one white.

In case you were wondering they're proudly flying the flag of Colombia in south America.

Zyair Circus - Carrick Drive (Towns Moor), Irvine, North Ayrshire
The queue to see the show about ten minutes before it starts on the Sunday afternoon.

Zyair Circus - Carrick Drive (Towns Moor), Irvine, North Ayrshire
Once the gates open with people milling about. This is looking south with Irvine and Dundonald Hill in the distance.

Zyair Circus - Carrick Drive (Towns Moor), Irvine, North Ayrshire
Off to one side are the toilets and the travelling cocktail bar.

Who said a circus needs lions and tigers? Pass the olives...

Zyair Circus - Carrick Drive (Towns Moor), Irvine, North Ayrshire
A closer view of the Lookout Lounge. Two levels inside with outside decking.

And it all packs into one truck. Very clever.