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Crail harbour

Crail Harbour, East Neuk of Fife
As well as being a popular tourist attraction the harbour is also the location for the annual Crail Food Festival, planned to be held every year in mid June.

Vegans and vegetarians are welcome. They probably can't eat a lot of the produce, but they're definitely welcome.

Crail Harbour, East Neuk of Fife
Each image is different but closer.

Crail Harbour, East Neuk of Fife
These were all taken close to high tide to help the harbour to look its best. The camera was over the open sea, at about one hundred and ninety feet and with the light behind on the left.

Crail Harbour, East Neuk of Fife
The classical view of the harbour - on many, many postcards, calendars and painted hundreds of times - is from just to the left of the cottage in the bottom left of this photo.