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The Royal and Ancient World Golf Museum
St Andrews, Fife

Royal and Ancient World Golf Museum, St Andrews, Fife
Now redesignated as the Royal and Ancient World Golf Museum to reflect its importance in the history of golf across the world.

Also in the photo are the back of the Royal and Ancient Golf Club and Hamilton House, all in Golf Place, St Andrews as well as many other well-known locations and golf-related attractions.

Royal and Ancient World Golf Museum, St Andrews, Fife
Anyone who knows the area will also spot Grannie Clark's Wynd - which is the public road across the golf course - and the Swilken Bridge in the distance.

Royal and Ancient World Golf Museum, St Andrews, Fife
From further to the left (east) the view now includes the Royal and Ancient World Golf Museum, the Royal and Ancient clubhouse, Golf Place straight ahead and with The Scores running up to the left.

Royal and Ancient World Golf Museum, St Andrews, Fife
And finally, the LocalMotion Land Train passing the museum.