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Loudoun Hill monument
Darvel, East Ayrshire

Monument to The Battle of Loudoun Hill, by Darvel, East Ayrshire
The “Spirit of Scotland” by Richard Price is tucked under Loudoun Hill.

Monument to The Battle of Loudoun Hill, by Darvel, East Ayrshire
It's not an ideal site to photograph but from these angles you can see the length of the valley where the battle of Loudoun Hill took place on a misty morning in 1307.

Monument to The Battle of Loudoun Hill, by Darvel, East Ayrshire
This view looking north with the car park on the right, up the hill.

Monument to The Battle of Loudoun Hill, by Darvel, East Ayrshire
The car park on the right has no view of the monument. You need to walk a hundred yards or so down the hill to get to it. It's not ideal for the less mobile or wheelchair users.